
The origin of Vibram Fivefingers Shoes

Vibram Five Fingers Shoes made by the British Vibram shoes.Initially as a "barefoot alternative rock climbing shoes," and invented, after the footwear industry who continue to improve, to become close to form a human foot shaped shoes. Back in 2007, a brand called "five fingers" (FiveFingers) sports socks on their innovative and practical inventions by the U.S.Time magazine as one of the best inventions in the sports favored. Standard running shoes will make full use of natural bio-mechanics, energy loss, so the original gait cushion running shoes gradually be eliminated. Vibram claimed that "barefoot" running and walking is the most safe, can reduce the possible damage, but also from the biomechanical point of view of energy and momentum will be assigned to each leg joint. Promote the wearing Vibram FiveFingers can enhance the soles of the feet and leg muscles, ankle benefit, but also improve balance, and to correct walking posture.You can have a look at Vibram Five Fingers Sprint,They are really good to take home.

