
You are my most beautiful encounter this life (eyes keen eye reunion)

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You are my most beautiful encounter this life searching finally found a big crowd the way you have your ends of the earth not far from me and thousands of miles separate the two of you are not dependent

you are my most touching legend come and is destined to meet Red Dust You have your life filled with warm memories of their youth I would like to be with you joy and sorrows and joys with
a meteor across the sky and I promise you this life past life agreement never doubted, as the knowing smile undying sweetness permeated the moon in the heart

drunk a glass of fresh air in world poetic feeling did not stop flying, wine and song millennia Dream of Colourful Plumage forget the shadow of past life breathed trace

how familiar with the night sky in a diffuse sound vows knowing each other well sung countless Xiangxi moonset Wu Ti circulating miracle



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(This article Source: Jinyang Wang - New Express on: Shay-Min Huang)
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Acacia into illness: Who is your teacher you? Silly girl mouth called, you ruffle teacher ah?
me: How beautiful will our literacy there, and I call the teacher.

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a lot of people call Halo.

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their nets began to shake, and then to a large halo.

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(This article Source: China News Network)

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(This article Source: Netease Entertainment)