
The central bank said the portrait of Confucius in China will issue new banknote series uggs for sa


500 yuan of new currency news is purely rumor

Recently, Japanese media said China is studying the issue within the printed 500-dollar bills portrait of Confucius , said the upcoming release of large amounts of printed money saints more favorable picture of RMB internationalization. In fact, to be issued on the People's Bank of rumors of RMB 500 yuan denominations, the network has been popular for some time. The most typical version printed in addition to about 500 yuan portrait of Confucius, there are printed with portraits of 500 yuan Deng Xiaoping's statement.

for Internet rumors and some foreign media's false reports, the Central Bank position is very clear terms. Monetary Gold and Silver Bureau of the parties stressed that the manufacture and dissemination of false news about the yuan's behavior is behavior which damages the renminbi, will affect the normal circulation of the yuan, against the financial order, nature of the poor. People will be based on \

the same time, \1 times the illegal gains shall be imposed for more than 3 times; there is no illegal income from 1,uggs for sale,000 yuan to 50,000 yuan shall be imposed. \

central area to remind the general public, the popular Internet site on the People's Bank will issue a new version of the news of 500 yuan is purely rumor, hope vigilance, not deceived. Meanwhile, we hope the media and Internet sites do not provide for such false and harmful information dissemination channels.


currently no need to send large amounts of money

Interviewee 1: Beijing Technology and Business University, School of Economics professor of finance Ge Hongling

I think that there is no need to issue RMB 500 yuan face value for three reasons: - the currency as a measure of value,cheap uggs, when it is facing the need for large-scale inflation, large denomination currency, although domestic prices rising, but the basic goal of control 3%, there is no need to issue to the extent of par value of RMB 500 yuan.

- from the shape of the development trend of the currency is now being developed paperless currency, credit has improved continuously in circulation less cash needs. Today, electronic money has been very popular,ugg classic Short, and large denomination currency trading up but is not convenient, the most developed countries in the international arena is also true.

- from people's income and psychological feelings of resilience, the psychological expectation of uncertain cause. For ordinary people,ugg outlet store, 500 yuan face value of the currency, as the general wage for a month just to get some into a few,ugg boots uk, will make people's hearts generated higher inflation expectations, normal life, is not very convenient to use.

Interviewee 2: Beijing Technology and Business University Economics Professor Liu Chengbi

whether the introduction of larger denominations of RMB at least consider three factors: the size of banknote denominations are using the process Comparison of the cost of waste form; and economic development related to the increased use of the currency denomination of currency on a greater need;. Release large denomination currency of the people expected on the psychological impact of inflation.

as the former two reasons, economists and deputies have proposed issuance of RMB 500 yuan face value the recommendations of the Bank of China officials said the short term is not possible. I think this is the third based on the above considerations. First, the issue often associated with large denomination currency inflation or purchasing power of residents linked to the current inflationary pressures in China while there, but not part of the overall problem. Performance for the fixed assets investment growth due to excessive, excessive money supply lead to higher prices of energy and basic raw materials, but the consumer price index rose a lower rate Queshi Bi.

and secondly,uggs sale, it has been widespread in the macroeconomic forecast of inflation, and if this time to introduce large denomination currency, will cause panic, it is possible the explosive growth-promoting society's buying behavior to the actual pushing all commodity prices, stable economic growth which is clearly negative.


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normal life, little more than a consumer 500, the daily consumption of all commodities, the range of about 100 more so, what to buy big-ticket prices are generally high card, and are not likely to be used 500 yuan. If the issue of the nominal value of 500 yuan, feeling like prices have to follow up.

Interviewee 2: Air Force, retired cadres,cheap uggs, Mr. Sun, 74

100 元 very good, and spend the are also convenient. 500 flowers were not convenient to get the money trouble, run into counterfeit money is even more trouble.

Interviewee 3: Beijing Shijingshan Area with convenience stores, 22-year-old Lin

the convenience stores open house money. Fear is not open for change, and if the the 500 and can be even more trouble. Change money trouble, lookin trouble is not that case then lost a day, did not the white? Moreover, we are small businesses, the purchase also does not take a few 500. Moreover, this true if the face value of RMB 500 yuan were issued, the price was definitely up. But we are puerile, small businesses can get and how much will be left to the hands?

(This article Source: PRC - People's Daily Overseas Edition)

