
People 100 yuan deposit of 60 yuan 9 years remaining super-interest bank charges mbt shoes on sale

100 dollar deposit on 9 years left more than 60 yuan, bank deposits would not meet the prescribed limits deducting money ... ... a number of lawyers,mbt shoes on sale, low-income families has recently begun to question bank small account management fees charged acts: \banks the right to unilaterally charge a small deposit account management fee? \Recently,ugg outlet store, Qi Qing Beijing residents told to reporters their deposits \has been no subsequent action. \

reporter Qi Qing canceled book to see, from March 21, 2006, the bank deducted three dollars per quarter. To August 2, 2009 only,uggs on sale, a total deduction of 14 document a total of 42 yuan. During the entire deposit produced only 6 yuan more than the interest rate, far below the amount deducted.

It is understood that banks deduct three dollars per quarter, with the introduction of a small bank account management pay. Bank of China Beijing Branch in December 2005 announcement that,ugg outlet, from March 20, 2006, China Bank of China Beijing Branch began daily average deposit balance of less than 500 dollars (not included) of RMB ordinary checking account and demand a through accounts, receive a quarterly account management fee, each three yuan.

working in Shenzhen, Mr. Huang has also encountered similar incidents. In 2005 he was in Shenzhen,cheap australia ugg boots, a joint-stock bank to deposit 600 yuan, 21 December 2009 found that only 523.05 yuan when withdrawing money,uggs sale, so many years, not only did not Laozhuo interest, did not think I would have posted the money went. Check under the know, the banks in recent years has been small account management fees charged.

this reporter contacted the joint-stock banks, relevant staff said that they charge a small account management fee is mainly for two reasons: First, the current situation from a personal account, many idle Fixed a few years of \Second, account management fees charged by the banks hope that the existing idle account customers can effectively merge their bank accounts and to persuade the customers to be placed among the assets of banks,mbt shoes sale, select a bank as its asset management line.

Mr Wong said that many workers like him who are not high income, more than 1000 yuan per month salary, excluding living expenses, the money in the bank often only a few hundred dollars. \Guangdong, Hong Qun-Li Xie Ziqi said law firm, bank depositors to open accounts in the contract and not charge a small account management fees for banks to charge depositors money in the form of notice, depends on whether the agreement stipulated bank account of unilateral the right to change. Some banks and depositors in case there is no agreed management fees, in violation of contract law.

for the bank \innovation and other measures to address this human problem.


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