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anger is easy to lose sense, though very happy to lose sense of catharsis, but also easy to stay hidden.

a person may tell lies in peacetime, anger Shique will tell the truth, unless that anger is false.

in anger subsided, often come to regret it. Since the students later regret, first, why do not try to control yourself?

anger can be a poet,ugg adirondack, Quenan a great statesman and military strategist. Politicians and military strategists, if irritability, it is precisely his opponents hope. The so-called \

irritability were beverages, die.

According to \Li Xiang Chinese generals contribution has time to commit, sending generals Yaochong Johnson played the king, defeated Lee at first in the Church wolf. Yao Chong chase Shanghai water. Fell into the enemy fled, killed more than a thousand people. Yaochong away from their base camp, not pursued, but not entirely back to full power. Johnson learned of the king, that this is just Fanghuguishan. To all detention officers, and to make whipped Yao Chong. Wang Xun himself deplored the loss of opportunity, grew more and more angry, middle of the night, actually died in the resentment of. If the volume of Wang Xun, Han Xin than the difference.

Have gotten people angry too easy. Not easy to take it easy and still is subject to a winding. Sometimes, the training on the performance here, state on the performance here.

common with others in hanging a banner is \Indeed, daily life and interpersonal relationships, how many things really intolerable for?

anger easily hurt exports, and later lead to a lose-lose. Jefferson said: \

flow statement

a sad person is: rumors hurt people by others, sometimes it is to listen and spread rumors to hurt others people.

you are innocent, they are guilty.

not too much to the people that you do not care how rumors, do this that just shows you care. Still busy busy kiosk that those who own it. When you're too busy to care about something and people do not care about you, you just really do not care of it. Center Stage

rumors can kill, but whatever does not kill Lu Xun, indicating that rumors are terrible, and it is helpless. If their will as a rock, on rumors of the whip have nothing to fear?

you tell me a celebrity rumors, asked me that true? I said, you said these rumors, only the parties only by those who know. And such a thing, he could not disclose to others, you say that this is true?

old saying: \However, such a wise man must be honest. Otherwise, narrowly to the \Murder conviction. The despicable rumors is: it can kill, but hard to catch the murderer. The reason why rumors

work, because in life there are many listen to slanderous talk of the Othello-like figure B if we do not Othello, rumors role is very limited.

rumors you can find a less environment, it is hard to find an environment that there are no rumors. Therefore, the idea of a change of environment is sometimes necessary, but more important is to adapt to the environment. Survival of the fittest.

the heart in the distance, to look toward the sea, do not care too much about the authenticity of the issue and short day length, we should have a laugh after years of rumors of tolerance.

is bothered by rumors, just rumors are spread by those who wish. Let our hearts and eyes, filled with the earth's vast and mighty ocean.


feeling bored, often because of frustration or lack of career path of life. From the boredom out of the need to see the hope to arouse enthusiasm.

silly mood is spreading and infection, it is like to make progress as emotions can make people vulnerable to infection. Immature in their thinking, emotional instability of the situation, regular contact with who would become more important.

sometimes boring can become fashionable. Talents may be the impact of such sentiments, but it will not be put down to do. Mediocrity will be fully enveloped in such sentiments under down from the clouds, all day doing nothing.

18 years of age, but can not wait for 80-year-old state of mind, which is due to the negative more than the eyes of the world. Song Wang, \A period of boredom, which can be an adjustment on the mood: the mood for a long time with their boring, adversely affect the youth.

life, as a representative of Titian Painting of Venice, as well-born, living well, brilliant career, health and longevity of the lucky ones are few. Because life is unhappy, then the bored attitude towards life, in fact, the damage to one.

a person will have weaknesses, make mistakes, a society also. But not this man or this society is to have no future. But no matter who is so bored they get rid of this feeling was not open wrap, then doomed to have no future.


matter who, there could be mistakes.

clever, is not to make mistakes, but do not make the same mistake twice.

this, we will be fewer mistakes, more wisdom.

If you have made a mistake, do not sophistry, sophistry is committing another mistake.

trust the words of Shakespeare: \husband emotional mistakes, often the reason his wife. Sometimes, to review their more sensible than the accusations.

misunderstood good guys and bad guys credulity, as serious mistakes. Right man in life is a very serious mistakes, it gives life may be great trouble and distress, have removed themselves so quickly in life to become stable and mature, it is very important.

listened, as flow is important because it can reduce the one-sided, thus reducing errors. Good at listening to different opinions and to adopt, this is a performance full of wisdom.

a work hard and make a mistake, but he can win the respect of my little one sit back and enjoy without any fault of the people, and can not win my respect, how can I respect it a slug?

law of either natural or social, all have their own rules.

moon and stars of the operation, animals, plant growth, social development and evolution has been true.

grasp the law of the prevailing circumstances wins; contrary to law, self-righteous are lost.

law of large skills, skills of small laws. Attention laws, small family attention skills.

to master the law of things, it is difficult to leave an accurate summary, and accurate summary of many things, it's difficult to leave the side of understanding, therefore, laziness and complacency is not acceptable.

understanding of the law of development of things, also do a pretty good idea, also be able to calmly face the altar divergent complex situation, establish in the hearts of the banner of victory.

is often said that history is always surprisingly similar. Why is surprisingly similar? In fact, the similarity is the \

success, not without shortcuts, pay attention to study and grasp objects and patterns, that is a shortcut.

objective law is inviolable, even if there is such thing as once they go against the objective law, also suffered a crushing defeat.

so-called maxim, a rule can be said to sum up.


Where large as those who must all respect the objective laws, often Shicai arrogant thing to do, ignore the law in the end accomplish nothing.

ancient Later, when Athena's victory to the victory of the French Revolution, are not accidental, two things, but confirms the rule.

dance dance is beauty is cruel. The performance of the United States is its course, its cruel training process.

dance is the language of youth, lost youth dance, always make people feel a little lied.

dance in the course of its development some of the events, this sounds just a bit like a fairy tale. It has been designed a \understanding of the world.

general, where music does not have dance, dance music will have a place. Dance, is really a wonderful art, visual pleasure, when we always would have us hearing the same pleasure.

\This gives me a feeling: an outstanding work of art is often created artists, many of the Department of distinguished artists created works of art.

reason for enduring ballroom dancing, in addition to its own and its atmosphere constitute the charm, the fear but also because it is a prone to a variety of story lies.

dance is quite able to express the human character. Dance styles from a nation and a people eager to dance forms, will be able to recognize a certain extent, a nation or a person's character.

sword is just, dance is the soft, melt the sword and the dance is really a true rigid-flexible phase than the economy, and no wonder that Du Fu's \With such high spirits: \Thunder received angry, strikes, such as Jianghai coagulation glaucoma. \


if that speech is a sound idea, then the clothing can be said to the silent language. A person wearing the clothes, the social and narrative content that people are very rich; occupation, status, education, fun. Aesthetic sense, there are emotions and feelings, etc. It is indeed being made to do without. A community of people wearing the content displayed to the world is also rich: whether liberal political economy are well developed) culture is progressive) whether the concept of civilized and so on.

Fashion is a mirror, this mirror is reflecting the community garden and history.

were once out and integrate into society and become part of the community. In a sense, people's clothes sense, that is,ugg outlet store, the social consciousness.

people from the community to understand the use clothing to express their wishes and feelings. One can understand from the clothing of a society, society can understand a person from clothing.

terms of the dress: harmonious Bi Qite important, naturally important than expensive, smooth important than the novel.

the emergence of a new style clothing, often requires not only wisdom, but also courage.

1964, the young British fashion designer Mary? Kwandt invented the miniskirt, which has always been more orthodox of the British fashion industry is nothing more than a serious challenge. The spring of 1965, the French apparel division Anderle? Kule study also invented the skirt for more than five centimeters long in the miniskirt knee, which has a long tradition of social services for upper class high fashion in Paris, seems simply outrageous, a oppositions from the bird. However, this did not stop the popular live miniskirt.

designer bones of those stand out side, seems to be a common thing: go its own way.

the inspiration for all human clothing comes from nature, then return to nature.

course, this return is a concentrated, a transcendence, a kind of sublimation.

a dignified elegance of a woman, even if she wear a fake jewelry, people can easily mistake it for real; a woman vulgar manner, even wear gold or silver, it is also easy to mistakenly think that all these fake goods.

temperament is golden.

in wearing clothing, know TPO is an important principle to grasp this principle to avoid inappropriate or farce. TPO is from English Time (Time), Place (location) Object (purpose) the first letter of the three words formed.


I do not need you to tell me what to do, I just need you to tell me what to do.

with verbal abuse, assault, this is a person's hobbies, such people are often bored, if with theory, so why not match up?

I appreciate you, I am sure you will; I do not appreciate you, I will not deny you.

each flower has its own flavor; each tree has its own value.

I think, after a famous person should not be burdened with the name. He was neither arrogant nor timid to protect their image,discount ugg boots, he should still himself, and constantly open up. If a person is afraid of failure, he will find it hard to develop them.

I appreciate the attitude is: So when celebrities like ordinary people. When ordinary people like celebrities.

against one of the praise to others I can not make that harm other people, not my intention, so I silence altogether.

the same as the lonely, but can be very different impression. Some people pity the loneliness, lonely people admire some people. I like Hemingway's \

curse of a good man, that's evil curse; curse an evil man, proved a curse for the helpless.

emotionally, I am not afraid to pursue their own play a role,uggs for sale, but a little scared by the pursuit of a role. Because Nongbu Hao, give birth to a cat feel.

my attention more often than not people on my attitude good, but someone else's heart for me, OK. In other words, I value the content, not form.


general, more ruthless and fair.

Very often, when we judge a thing impossible, when compared to a simple and effective method. What are true or false, what what the weak strong, one is better, what the United States what the ugly, no argument, one to Bianzhi.

the right choice, from an objective comparison, not by careful comparison of options, often regrettable.

more and knew, knew and omitted.

Western Jin Lu no longer as \

fine selection of reading books mostly, to do things most critical elections, most election easy battle to fight, these are more. Not more, difficult organization of writing.

no comparison, it is difficult to identify things, no identification, it is difficult to conduct proper evaluation of things, without proper evaluation, is easy to others, and lose their own minds.

suffering relatively more painful than the person you would know that their pain is also noteworthy little pain.

more successful people more successful than you will know that their success is not a big success.

compared, differences, leading to the invention. British bacteriologist Alexander

? Fleming discovered penicillin, the first was due to test in a \

you say, you are master martial arts, I do not believe. If you win the Chang-Jun Zhao, I believe.

no more, there will be no auction. Unfortunately, this is not just limited to the material.

comparison can be satisfied with less, know that wins and numerous. So, learn more ways to some extent also learned to progress the way to win.


good faith has been misunderstood, unrecognized talent, enthusiasm by the cold, achievements denigrated, people will feel aggrieved. Wronged is sad, but is not no good. Grievances can we more deeply understand the social, more clearly identify the person.

a good intake than by the aggrieved person is not necessarily less, but quality may be affected more because of their grievances. Xiao Tong's \how can people fear wronged, not for competitive?

a man accustomed to from a grand vision and overall situation in mind, from the future focus, he will be able to quickly resolve the grievance, not to their own time into a depression.

be depressed by a number of grievances, then angry, then frustrated, and even death to show his innocence is not desirable, grievances should make us smarter, not negative.

wronged does not necessarily make people lose. Han Liu Kuan, known to treat people with generosity, prayer Qiu Q Ka average year, the time every morning sessions, an officer's wife would like to try how wide and how Liu magnanimity, ordered maid to meat soup poured into a wide court dress Liu , Liu wide but natural composure, asked maid: \This incident recorded in the \Perhaps these are not a bad choice: lonely when they go natural; lonely it to music; setbacks have to look forward to; aggrieved when they go to create and friendship.


tourism, is a place for people willing to send money to another place.

to the field to travel, you can better understand themselves, not only understand their own strengths, but also understand their own shortcomings. To travel abroad, you can better understand their country, not only about her lovely, but also about her shortcomings.

significance of tourism is one of: such as Babylon and Pompeii where people can understand more deeply what is called history, but like the Gold Coast and places like the United States and Space Museum, make people more further on what the future. And a history and a deeper grasp of the future people will better grasp of life.

for the average person in the most appropriate time to the most appropriate travel destination, not necessarily the most pleasant results. Both have one, often more intelligent. Once everything is unsound, tired of travel, a phenomenon that is terrible, not so much a tourist, rather more like fleeing.

from Tourism point of view, money, time and energy constitute the three elements of tourism. But it is clear that: In general, there is plenty of money and time, often not physical, there are physical, often lack sufficient time and money. Seen in this light, tourism is a popular remote conditions, short-term travel will have broader prospects.

to travel from one place how much people can be seen to some extent the place of wealth and the concept of openness. Poor areas because of poverty, unable to travel, while the rich, but the concept of conservative place, out of people who do not travel much.

some near misses occurred in the tourist thing is not a good feeling, which not only adds a dramatic, quite savored.

are traveling or are living in ancient times and sometimes for poetry, in these works, the most favorite is the Tang Meng Jiao's \through drink, every food-only the old poor. all things are in time, alone I knew it in spring. missing names who are willing to visit? pride fight song Come Away blind date ... ... potential, something outside the picture really. \was poetry, because poetry and a spit heart pine.


broad-minded persons, such as the sea, our hearts were like ordinary river, the canals are narrow minded.

narrow minded many people worry, others can not do justice to him, would make trouble; own opportunities as people will make trouble. Encounter in life things a little ring true, it will suffer a great deal, there are like Hans Christian Andersen fairy tale princess in the pea on.

A person with broad mind, his life will be more understanding, more tolerant, more moderate, more Chongrubujing of tolerance. Who often demonstrate aggressive, harsh person, the face of other people's achievements are not appreciated but slander.

there who can recommend Yin mind, such as the Spring and Autumn Period Guan Qi Bao Shuya strongly recommend that he kept the the next; as the first President of Senegal, Diouf, Senghor give themselves willing to retreat. This kind of mind, the country's prosperity and long-term stability are very useful.

National Cheng Kung University business who have great heart. This will not Chengri care about the stupid day focus on the petty profits, wasted a lot of time and effort.


family is the first school for children in this school awareness of the formation is difficult in later life, completely devoid of its most hidden depths of the child mind.

choose partners with their own people like to choose good fit, and the composition of families need is another suitable. The reason why the disintegration of many families, not because they do not have good fit, but because each other is not suitable.

doomed to disintegration of the family, the disintegration of the family is a blessing, but unfortunately the family was formed.

Harbour family can also be a drag. When a man the family as a harbor, he must have an elite beside his wife; if he viewed the family as a drag, is not he is an incompetent husband, that his side were an incompetent wife.

\The Queen Mother was unhappy when, after a valet asked why not music great? Empress said: Son of Heaven above the people who are in million, if the management of well-of course noble,mbt shoes on sale, if uncontrolled, could not have wanted to be ordinary people. Can be so prepared and Mrs Queen Mother really extraordinary experience. National Cheng Kung University has always been able to weather those younger, more history and relationship with a great tutor.

parents fulfill their obligations to their children is life in children with emotional parents fulfill their obligations in the two are both fulfill their obligations, there are considerable differences between them.

Song Dynasty poetess zhen forced by the feudal ethical code, married a marketplace mediocre, the word she had said: \days regardless. \With the development of society, with the female, but has two state of mind.
become more affordable in a society where family formation and rupture will be more and more not because of emotions but because of interest. That family is a cell, really good point.


Some people say that can accompany a happy marriage life. No, I think they feel better and forever with each other is a happy marriage. Marital happiness or not does not depend on the length of time, but rather whether it be affiliated with each other. Strange bedfellows in this world Is the individual right?

hasty marriage, is often used to pick because too ruthless. Cross from one extreme to another extreme. In dealing with the issue, mostly the result of extreme bad marriages.

18 century, said a U.S. diplomat Benjamin Franklin is a general power of words: \This Changbiaoxianwei a way of life of the helpless.

wish to perfect the idea of marriage are mostly unrealistic. This perfect novel, a lot of very little real life. If a person always feel immersed in the novel, on the real life will be especially disappointed.

a successful marriage, is important to Interpersonal Perception. Sui did not, when he set the sinus Yi Zhou Zongguan a daughter of outstanding beauty and talent, not easily permitted a man. He has painted the door is two peacocks, who to marry the children of the nobility Xu Yong two arrows, two peacocks allow each one before he married. Dozens of people have tried were not 如愿. Li Yuan was Tangguogong bursts of two arrows are in Dou Yi pleased to marry the daughter of Li Yuan. Li Yuan was the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, the Emperor in Tang, the daughter of Yi Dou Dou is the Queen later. The matter in \Although the imperial family in this matter, but today some of the issues in the marriage of money not only re-emphasis on manpower people still lose there is a revelation.

from how to deal with the issue of marriage is often not conducive to a clearer understanding of a person. But how to deal with divorce, often make people more aware of one person.

if only to children from harm and to maintain a marriage has no love, may not be wise. Divorce is certainly an injury to the child, separated from no injuries may not be. A sort of oppressive family atmosphere for children to do so. Moreover, there to pay their own future.


thinking ahead of others, the first action in others, also ahead of others to succeed. After other people think, after another operation, it is difficult after the success of others. Because you have to face is too much competition and less opportunity.

in a competitive society, people of action errors, often wise to take action to create opportunities. Efforts to reduce its own errors, and at others decisively to fill the void created by mistake, we might come from behind, a winner.

before significant action is taken,ugg boots wholesale, there should be full investigation and preparation. Because all major operations, are not appropriate or difficult to change or abandon in the middle. \

good intentions do not necessarily have good results. Intelligent action is to unify the two. This is the art of living. Actions and motives are not all uniform. Improper action may come from good motives behind the actions appear legitimate but may conceal sinister purposes. People should be able to not superficial temptations is good at analyzing and judging the book also features something that is wise.

hasty action or blind cause harm or loss, so think before they act, not only should be the criteria, and should become a habit.

in life more important not to put it nicely, and is well read. Books a lot of things people can speak clearly and logically, there is action the difference between victory and negative. We are not able to appreciate that the actual total fond of, even though he Say well.

speech is an action, a placing themselves in full view of the action. Although it is not set by it all the image of a person, it is also one of the most important side of the image. However, the whole purpose of this action is not simply outline the image of their own, but another action: improving the human race.

these words may sound vulgar: What are other sick, no money,ugg boots uk, they should not. But that is true to a considerable extent on the interpretation of life. Life's long road: If the total health go hand in hand with peers, which in itself is a great luck.


there are so many places to visit, of course, best to go to places of interest; there are so many teachers can teach, of course, can vote the best teacher; there are so many books to read, of course, best to read Classic.

read classics such as the teacher taught to listen, listen to the teachings of Metal Mesh teacher.

reading of the classic is not to say not to read the book in general, but that special attention should cultivate interest in reading classics and customs.

Reading is a subtle edification, read classic is a higher level of subtle edification. Long-term attention to read the classics, you can produce a similar biology \The difference is that biology mimicry, is shown in the animal's appearance and color last; long after reading the classic quasi-state, is reflected in people's thinking and emotional significance of small-time classic one, is here.

tout and stir to sell inferior products, but can not bring up the classic. First of all, people have to stand the classic screening, followed by screening to withstand time.

\more than those who have such a talented Yu Mei Sheng are few.

life alive, some people can be a classic, some people can be a book. Some people may be manuscripts, some people just waste basket of the paper Bale.

whether the prosperity of a literary era, not only to look at it a number of writers, works, depends on whether it is a classic work, a number of classics.

\So, it was a throw away their Quduo another piece. In fact, the water dog is his own shadow, the result is to have lost two of meat. This story is a warning not only to life, is also a reminder of reading classics.


a target, prone to fighting strength. Not a goal, and often feel life's emptiness and loss.

that there are all kinds of temptations, people can once again deviated from their original goals; some people are not not able to achieve the objectives set, but because it can not withstand the temptations in the end accomplish nothing.

the same goal, often have many people to pursue, certainly not different than the rival competition, changes in goals, sometimes wiser than insist. In this area may not have been on your number, in another area you might get there first.

to achieve ambitious goal, and have common qualities: hard work and indomitable. Human history, the first week of the Portuguese maritime navigation in the world Magellan scientists found that became known as the \

the effort is not greater the longer the path, away from the target closer. If you deviate from the direction, and even further to leave the target. First, identify the direction, followed by the dry out effort and tenacity children.

Even if the impossible to achieve their goals, but also not bored and boring, do not like Yu-Gui Zhao Yuan, as described by: \


sheep can not deal with the wolf, the elephant has to deal with wolves. So, with people, it should be good for the elephants is not the sheep of the good.

for some people, doing good deeds is the best way of repentance. By this way, some people help to make up for mistakes on others, to balance the soul.

good and less worry. Do not hurt others, you do not hurt other people everywhere beware; you happy to see others succeed, they will not achieve success without happiness of others; you to treat people the vast majority of cases will be what goes around.

This is hypocrisy and cunning: the good is more convenient for evil, good is evil cover.

\gradually recovered and restored to its nature, a bit of the farmer, the farmer died, said: \No, it's stupid.

some people, because the first kind, by bullying, they incorrectly learn, change and good evil. Evil, so he changed the subject to bullying situation, but he soon got another thing: punishment.

general, kind, helpful to others, do not suffer losses on their own. And human evil, not only hurt other people, but also harm themselves. Tang Dynasty, when Empress Wu Zhou Xing cruel officials to design all kinds of torture, killing thousands of people the size of officials, mostly those who have died meaninglessly, after being told by their collusion encourage rebellion of God Great General Hill, was another cruel officials to Junchen sentence after hearing the death penalty. Empress Wu let him off, he was exiled to the Lingnan life, but in the way the CIA were killed. \

good, not pedantic. Not allowed to abuse animals can be said to be a good. Walk for fear of stepping on an ant time, this is a pedantic.


