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fingers, toes and more rubbed, insomnia, headache and do not worry.
often rubbing thumb and health brain, often rubbing the index finger gastrointestinal good.
often rub the middle finger to cardiac, liver ring finger often rub safe.
strong kidneys often rub the little finger. Ten of the strong heart,
hands clear of the plug head, rotary joints through the meridians,
supination stretch muscles loose, rubbed his fingers cured headache,
massage four off-line blood, turn shoulder shoulder shake loose cervical,
earnest spirit of a cool angle:

Health fingers are the same: nails pink, shiny, medium thickness, moderately hard and soft, easily broken, smooth, nails root half-moon (a half months, also known as health circles) were white.
health Handbook for
hand fingers have six meridian, and the whole body organs, tissues, organs of communication, about 99 points (regions),ugg outlet store, can reflect the general health of internal organs. Massage or press these points, almost reduced overall disease.
fingers corresponding to the meridian corresponding organ of the lung meridian
thumb index finger to the heart and lungs
large intestine meridian stomach, intestines and digestive organs
pericardium meridian facial middle finger, ring finger triple burner meridian
liver lung and respiratory system < br> little finger heart, small intestine meridian kidney, circulatory system
unhealthy different fingers:
a half color
gray: possible energy weak, easily lead to anemia, fatigue, fatigue.
Pink: organs function may decline, physical exertion is too large, easily lead to diabetes, hyperthyroidism and other diseases.
Purple: prone to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular blood circulation, blood oxygen shortage, easy to dizziness, headaches, atherosclerosis.
black: more common in severe heart disease, cancer or long-term HAART.
a half size
best: total area of nail 1 / 5.
less than 1 / 5: said low energy, poor digestion. Such as a dull half a sudden, narrow, disappear, be early prevention of a number of consumptive disease, cancer, and bleeding. Stay up late, sexual excess, the A half will disappear, very difficult to grow back.
greater than 1 / 5: mostly hypertrophic, susceptibility to cardiovascular, hypertension, stroke and other diseases.
nail color dark, a number of vertical distribution: This is a manifestation of the body of water shortage, and the fingers corresponding to the function of organs and tissues of the body weak.
color dark, uneven, a number of horizontal distribution: This is the manifestation of anemia and malnutrition, or a few months ago have been physically transferred.
hand has six meridian and body tissue of various organs, organs of communication. About 99 points (regions) can reflect the general health of internal organs and body tissue of various organs, organs of communication.

hand anywhere, anytime health fitness fitness
technique using fingers, the biggest advantage is that at any time: the time for lengthy meetings more meaningful, computer With ten minutes before the rest of the content, fasting is no longer serving impatient waiting for ... ... the prospect of all this is that as long as we want, all hands idle time, can be fitness time.
basic health care: Finger massage
massage can relieve thumb: heart disease, allergic dermatitis, hair loss, sore throat;
index finger massage can relieve: constipation, loss of appetite, stomach pain, chronic gastritis;
massage middle finger can ease: liver disease, fatigue, appetite, tinnitus,uggs for cheap, dizziness;
finger massage can ease: a cold, sore throat,uggs for sale, headache, frequent urination, sweat more, Palace cold;
massage can ease the little finger: shoulder pain , back pain,ugg boots uk, irregular menstruation, as fatigue, obesity, insomnia.
massage method:
1. first massage his left hand. The right hand thumb and index finger pressing on both sides of the left thumb, feeling pain when to insist on for 10 seconds.
2. the right hand index finger and thumb respectively clamp the upper and lower left thumb, push hard, persist in 3 seconds.
3. for hand massage, the same way.
fingers fingertip fingertips each meridian, corresponding to different internal organs. Small fingers will begin to pinch the nail root, and then beat and rotation, was especially painful if the fingers that acupoints associated with this organ may be a problem.
little finger pain: heart or small intestine may be a problem. Close to the ring finger little finger side of a small red hole, the other side of a small hole Ze. Less closely related to impulse and heart, heart attack, press hard on the little finger finger can ease the condition; less Ze is associated with the small intestine meridian, indigestion, they can press hard on the site.
ring finger pain: It may be sore throat or headache. In the ring finger on the red points, rub the area when the fever can relieve symptoms.
middle finger pain: possible cardiovascular health problems. There in the middle finger on the red point, because the disease does not make the heart can not stand when there will be pain.
index finger pain: Possible colon problem. Yang points the index finger on a business, constipation, pain from pressure of the finger.
thumb pain: respiratory system problems. Thumb on the small business point, and the lungs are closely related. Such as lung disease pressure in this area when there may be pain jump.
for the case does not correspond to the question how to squeeze the joint
how to squeeze the related fingers, can ease the pain. 3 minutes for each operation, daily 1 - 2 times.
liver diseases: two joints of his right thumb pinched.
tinnitus: pinching hands ring finger three joints.
diabetes: squeeze the left thumb of the two joints.
high blood pressure: according to the root of the left little finger.
heart disease: pinching the inside of his left little finger three joints.
dysmenorrhea: hands index finger pinching the three joints.
eyestrain: pinching his right middle finger three joints.
upgrade and maintenance: a flexible operating
health means physical health as reflected in the hand, the hand of health also can not be ignored. We often hit the keyboard, send SMS, the \Some for finger dexterity, finger joint toughness practice must do, here are we free to choose.
slip of the hands: hands in the chest, wrist and fierce lashes about 10 seconds. Hand can promote blood circulation.
drop: hands fist in the chest, imagine a small ball in hand. Grip force, number 5, silent sound, try to set aside open fingers. Can be a strong hand and wrist, so that your fingers flexible.
fillip: hands fingers simulate piano, starting from the thumb to the palm one by one bomb. Repeat 20 times. Can exercise the control and hand activity.
pressure means: the 10 fingers to separate pulp relative, forced on the pressure. Knuckle up until the acid pain. Repeat 10 times. Can exercise knuckles toughness and flexibility.
push palm: hands folded hands in the chest, left wrist and pushed to the right, keeping the palm of the joint, then turn left. Strong wrist can enhance the flexibility of the wrist or palm.
rubbing means: with the thumb and index finger massage finger rubbing clip from that root to the fingertips. Fingers can promote blood circulation.
Latin means: the right hand holding the left thumb-turn, then straightened out force, followed by pulling each finger, for the other hand to repeat the same action. Can help your fingers to stimulate blood circulation, strong ligament.
for that: the fingers of both hands in turn will be exchanged on that motion. Can exercise your fingers and brain response flexibility, coordination.
relax: Let overhanging arm, free rock, then hard rock, up until the hand completely relaxed.
some things about massage massage strength

for most points and reflex zones, the absence of pain have no effect,Discount MBT Shoes, so it is necessary to stimulate strong that pain a little heavier. But the force is also not too heavy, as long as there is obvious pain on the line. Massage, the force after the first light weight, gradually increase the force up to the maximum acceptable.
massage male massage order
first left, then right; women the contrary, the first right, then left. If not enough time, as long as a hand massage points on it.
care point of fatigue
massage after several days, her condition improved and points of tenderness lessens, the disease signs of improvement. If the condition does not improve, the tenderness apparent slow, this is the point of fatigue. The same right hand points, you can turn left and right of point massage. Note
massage massage before the break.
2 Bao Yin, meal, bath and fatigue within 1 hour after the time not to do hand massage.
3 after the initial Anrou local if there is acid,discount ugg boots, slight pain, distension, feeling that this is the reason excessive force, should reduce the intensity.
4 small hand-hole location, massage, some points can operate a number of devices, such as the fountain pen,cheap uggs on sale, ball pen and other tail (must be smooth and rounded) press the point. Remember
5 massage natural breathing, do not breath.


