
Microblogging first year growth in Chinese explosion of Revelation uggs on sale

Police set up around the micro-Sina Bo (http://t.sina.com.cn) widening the war mobilization of the public portal of collective micro-Bo. (CFP for map)

considered set of interactive products in China Internet culmination of 10 years of experience \Reporter Qiu Ruixian

Kai-fu Lee's resignation statement, turbulence has the \No, Peter was distorted and so have the Chinese version of Twitter silence, followed by Sina, Sohu, Netease and Tencent four major portals open microblogging, this year's biggest domestic Internet hot topic.

From the August 2009 test version of operators Sina microblogging begin to run, has just experienced the first anniversary. In this year, China achieved microblogging explosive growth. At the same time, this year China also experienced a sudden decline of Bo a \What remains unchanged is the high use of user \

ICQ to China from QQ, China's SNS from FACEBOOK to the social networking site to China from the BLOG's blog, from the forum, news supermarket, online games to e-commerce, China's Internet never a lack of epoch-making products , of them both \

microblogging why China can achieve explosive growth? The rise of micro-Bo will change anything in real life? In the continued explosive growth year after the arrival of the Internet, the prospect of new products, light or dark?

After nearly a year of exposure to the religion, many fans have already cultivated a fanatical \

In fact,uggs on sale, the micro-Bo as a \As a subtle new media platforms, microblogging and other media in the chemistry, the derivative of the increasing growth of magic.

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play the celebrity card Sina microblogging dubbed by many users,MBT Shoes Sale, \\

and years ago on the blog the same way the operation, pioneered the development of Sina also used on the micro-Bo \Now occupy the first three popular list, Yao Chen, small S and Zhao Wei, concerns fans have reached a surprising amount of 180 million people.

\\Li Jie said.

As a result, play the celebrity card Sina micro-Bo is a lot of friends dubbed the \the \Interestingly, many people to earn on the \

At the same time, also determined to itch like to participate in \Such as the famous pop star Faye Wong's \The reporters found that is entertainment channel site staff uncovered microblogging called \It is understood that wears \Play a. Register your own micro-Bo in the beginning, she and Zhao Wei, who agreed not add each other \Faye Wong in the final micro-Bo was found, but she still kept updated.

Bo Han Han is another in the micro to \Early morning of February 13 this year, only 8 days to open micro-Bo posted 14 messages micro Bo Han Han, said, \space, attention is 0, microblogging is 0. However, after more than five months later, on July 31 issued Ren Zhiqiang Han Han stood me about a few micro-media Shuada Pai Bo, Han Bo, on his surprise appearance at the micro, the thread back to the REN 3 comment,ugg boots store, there are users maintained that the micro-Bo Han was always the \

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59 government departments are already registered in the government micro-Sina Bo, of which Yunnan province, only one sector, while the police are up to 40 micro-Bo, accounting for Qi Cheng, nearly. Guangdong province's public security department of a total of 30 opened a micro-Bo, representing all the public security micro-Bo in the 75%.

\points, set up his own name the largest number of micro-Bo, Bo micro enterprise sector the second category, other types of opening a more equal number of micro-Bo. \

security around the creation of micro-Sina Bo widening the public, which is considered Sina Bo operating micro landmark event in the past year one. The reporters found out, 59 have already registered Government departments in the micro-Sina Bo, the only department of Yunnan province which one, but police are up to 40 micro-Bo, accounting for nearly Qi Cheng,ugg boots outlet, its main content alarm notification, there are some major cases of live. Bo was the rest of the official micro-county government agencies across China.

Sina micro-operations director Bo Cao Zenghui said that the current government micro-Sina Bo is real, this year, as long as government departments in the name of the registration will ask for copy of \,ugg outlet store, are stamped with the official seal of the government's \

2009 年 11 21, for the wholesale markets in Kunming Snail Bay group incidents, in Yunnan Province, Wu Hao, vice minister of propaganda under the auspices of the Information Office of the Yunnan provincial government set up in Sina microblogging China's first government microblogging \

official in the total micro-Bo \This also implies the micro Sina Bo a unique phenomenon, \

According to statistics, Guangdong public security department of a total of 30 opened a micro-Bo, the total security micro-Bo in 75%. Currently, most fans is the February 25 opening, with nearly 16,000 fans Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province Public Security Bureau's \In the police micro-Bo, the main release of police information is broadcast, occasional live broadcast of major cases.

\a function. \

in micro-Bo is easy to find, celebrities and government have a common feature of micro-Bo - fans concerned about the amount of traffic and do not in direct proportion with the hundreds of thousands of fans the amount of attention these micro-Bo volume of only a few people. \First, the political situation to the timely disclosure of information, access and the public with more direct and faster communication, especially in emergencies or when the incident mass. The second is to increase close to the people of a certain degree, to attract people's attention. This is to make public administration, the is an improvement.

famous host Xiang's ex-husband, diamond merchants Hou Bo-lin good for their own use of micro-marketing of a brand. December 31, 2009, the user \look at the New Year's resolutions? \

\Sina PR staff Ji Yun told reporters.

profit model

online for some words: When you're a fan of more than 100, you like a internal magazine; more than 1000, you are a bulletin board; more than 10,000, You're like a magazine; more than 100,000, you're a City News; more than 1 million, you're a national newspaper; more than 10 million, you're TV. Marketing potential fans have been eyeing the new platform.

It is precisely because the media microblogging platform with its own characteristics, the majority of users enjoy the pleasure of using, they inevitably become a potential target to be marketing. Advertising marketing companies in many eyes, it has become a new business. An advertising agency to industry sources, has more than 10,000 fans of bloggers already have \

yesterday afternoon, \Febbo text messages, which I always refuse. \

\that propagation effects have been produced, but the profit model is still a need to explore. \

development path

this mode of transmission is not a linear spread of traditional media (One To One), not online media network communication (One To N), but a fission Communication (One To N To N).

Although rice has gone through, Peter was distorted and a series of replication products that losing, Twitter, but four major Chinese portal in the year to push quickly to microblogging to a location of explosive growth, Bo continue to believe that this is normal. \kind of demand has always been there, but just in time for the emergence of micro-Bo had the opportunity. \explosive effects, such as instant messaging, blog, social networking sites. rather why the four major portal to succeed, largely because they operate on the development and adaptation of China's national conditions, to overcome the 'acclimatized' possible. \/ p>

Yi Lu believes that, compared with Twitter,uggs on sale, microblogging Sina comments and forwarding closer to the usage of Chinese netizens.

Internet products in China, the open microblogging is also considered one of the core competitiveness. In summing up the spread of micro-Bo path, deputy editor Sina Bo Meng said: \but a fission transmission (One To N To N). This spread is the geometric shape of the spread level, far higher than any media before the spread and dissemination of product breadth. \> tendency to judge

as long as an information release out, it will spread like a virus, the manager is impossible to delete all of the micro-Bo, which is broadcast live, not pre-review, which is micro- Bo on the dissemination of information system controls is a major challenge.

a \Although Sina microblogging operation more than a year, in the July 12 all of a sudden become a \\The latest development is that newly registered users Sina and Sohu microblogging must provide real information to verify identity cards and mobile phones. Friends that the real-name system has been ready to come out microblogging.

this, Lu Yi explained that \\\

\characteristics. \\with the explosive spread of nuclear fission energy of the reality, as long as an information release out, it will spread like a virus, the manager is impossible to delete all of the micro-Bo, which is broadcast live, not pre-review, which Bo is a micro-system controls on the dissemination of information is now a great challenge. \

7 16, Charles Zhang, Sohu made head of a micro-Bo said: \to the center; e-mail is personal,chi flat irons, but it is point to point, delay; blog is both personal as the central collective, but non-immediate; SMS is almost instant, but only point to point . PC Internet products left and right conflict, evolution and popularization of mobile phones as an information tool, popular, 10-year foundation created by individuals as the center of such a relationship both groups anywhere near real-time interactive Internet products, it is technological progress evolution of user behavior and the possibility of selecting from the numerous out of the immortal, Burongyia, please cherish. \p>

to End of the World and a series of forums on behalf of BBS, introduced from abroad, but China is clearly better than the overseas development. This may be compared with the Chinese people has been the traditional lack of public communication space, and therefore the application is fast becoming a popular form, or even help create a business form to this Dute End of the World Forum at the core site, and gather to form the vertical forum topic \Baidu Bar. \

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to Sina for the representatives of news at the core of this news portal with Chinese characteristics, the global rare. This is our traditional way of the news media. \\

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to grand as the representative of the younger generation to meet China's demand for cheap entertainment, but also to some extent China's first batch of trained computer engineers. \Taobao represented, beyond the expectations of many people was the rapid rise. Birth and the impact of China's generation of network buyers and sellers, online shopping also virtually gave birth to this new way of life.

> Related: Credit Suisse: Sina microblogging fans next year the top 100 users over Twitter microblogging Beijing police test run thousands of fans over an open platform for microblogging formally launched Sina social-driven engine to do

