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Science and technology of production and development is determined by the production, because production need to show form of economic power is strong scientific and technological development driving force for human survival and development, need to continue to resolve the contradiction between people and nature. The development of modern science and the relationship between man and nature co-ordination provides the possibility of the birth of modern technology was provided to resolve this contradiction means and methods. This kind of production the role of science and technology to promote the performance of the two, one is constantly put forward the social production of new needs; the other hand, the development of production of science and technology has continued to provide a new experimental means, and that \. \High-temperature industrial use of scientific and technological progress and production requirements is a decisive factor in technological progress refractory. Multifaceted, multi-level production and use requirements for Refractories provides scope for technological progress, to research and development institutions to provide new ideas, create new opportunities to induce enterprises to develop a new strategy for scientific and technological progress, stimulate technological innovation activity is also starting, continuing Yizhi the success of the most important and decisive factor. Since reform and opening, China's economy sustained and healthy development, metallurgy, building materials and other high temperature for the refractory industry, technological progress has provided a broad industrial technology development stage.

2.1 demand for metallurgical industry

metallurgical industry is a major refractory applications, refractory and metallurgical industries technological progress the development of interdependence, mutual promotion and metallurgical industry every major new technology, new technology,ugg outlet store, the emergence of new furnace are and Refractories of quality improvement and new product development inseparable. Metallurgy technology upgrade, adjust varieties, improve life expectancy and reduce the cost of the new requirements, is refractory major driving force of technological development. Such as iron technology contributed to the development of iron with refractory, to meet the requirements of blast furnace longevity, combined with the development of the silicon nitride products, online maintenance techniques and materials; high temperature hot blast stove used to meet the requirements developed low creep bricks, iron out the requirements to adapt to high frequency, the development of the iron-free baking Ditch; order to meet the hot metal of the \Open-hearth steel of elimination, the promotion of the converter and electric furnaces with refractory quality; to develop continuous casting technology and promote the continuous casting refractory functional skill level and physical quality has been improved; to adjust the species, using a variety of furnace refining technology, refining the corresponding promoted the progress of various high-quality refractory; order to meet the ultra low carbon steel smelting, developed a low-carbon, no carbon steel ladle brick; for adsorption purification of liquid steel inclusions, developed a variety with free CaO materials. \Aluminum, copper, lead, zinc and other nonferrous metallurgy new technology and new technology development, strengthening and new smelting furnace equipment used to promote the improvement of the quality refractory related fields and new R & D and so on.

2.2 the needs of other industries

addition to the metallurgical industry, the building materials, petrochemicals, environmental protection, energy, electronics and other high technology continues to develop and use increasingly stringent requirements, but also promoted the refractory of the scientific and technological progress. Such as glass-ceramics, thin, glass fiber production, demands refractory erosion of the glass composition to achieve little, it is necessary to improve resistance to erosion of refractory. Cement kiln's large-scale, efficient and environmentally-friendly, kiln lining material made of the new requirements; roller bar and cordierite kiln furniture materials such as high-quality development, is to meet the development requirements of ceramic firing kiln. To meet the coal slurry gasification technology, high chromium materials developed; waste incinerators and melting furnaces there, to promote the development of relevant Refractories. High-temperature furnace and the light of the requirements of high efficiency and energy conservation, promoting the fire-resistant fiber insulation materials, the development of environmental protection. These new needs and the use of increasingly stringent requirements, promote scientific and technological workers refractory constantly exploring new technologies, developing new varieties, the refractory industry to promote technological development.

3 technological progress in machinery and equipment

equipment and manufacturing technology for the development of refractory material to provide a solid technical basis, the production process of mechanization and automation to create the conditions for the development of refractory. Refractories manufacturing is the use of mechanical equipment related to processing of the process of refractory raw materials, leaving the machinery and equipment, refractory materials can never produced, the refractories production machinery and equipment used in the performance levels and improve the scientific and technological progress increase the impact of refractory far-reaching and sometimes off, but the performance of key equipment, can not meet production requirements, will become a bottleneck restricting the development of refractory and sometimes break through the key equipment, will greatly speed up scientific and technological progress refractory. Through the \

3.1 Powder preparation and mixing equipment

powder jet mill and other production equipment development, reduce processing costs of powder, so that powder is commonly used products, and amorphous materials, reduce the firing temperature of products,ugg boots outlet, improve the performance of amorphous materials. Spiral cone mixer, double cone type mixer, V-type mixer such as pre-mixing equipment to enable the production of amorphous and functional refractory powder, and trace additives mixed more evenly. High-speed mixer (can control the temperature of mixed materials), planetary mixer mandatory, strong counter-current mixer prepared a more excellent mud performance, not only to improve the mixing efficiency, reduce dust, noise control is also made more great progress.

3.2 molding equipment

pressure of the ball machine's performance has been greatly improved to meet the production requirements of high-grade materials; friction brick press has been rapid development, the emergence of vacuum brick press, so that high-carbon Bricks performance improved significantly. 1,000 tons of composite, especially the birth of friction screw press to make a more complete variety of friction brick press, the performance is good, it is both hydraulic and friction presses exhaust the characteristics of high combat power, using double-sided pressure, vacuum exhaust, automatic thickness measurement techniques, to achieve the mechanical and electrical integration and automation, which greatly improved the quality of molding efficiency and stability of brick. Hydraulic performance of a more complete realization of quantitative from the mud, mold filling, pressing, brick removal, line detection, automation of the whole process. Isostatic Pressing Machine and localization, greatly reduces the casting \successful development, effectively promoted the variety of functional materials to adjust and product upgrades. Vibration Press for the development of products to make ultra-thin, nitrogen firing products quality markedly improved.

3.3 firing equipment

ultra-high temperature, high vacuum and other extreme conditions of access, for the preparation of special properties of the refractory opened the way for. Products produced by firing a key process, performance has an important influence on the products is also a high-energy processes. Ability of firing equipment, energy use, the highest temperature, the atmosphere of the firing kiln products, a significant performance impact, and largely determines the cost of the product. The technological advances in thermal technology to make ultra-high temperature shaft kiln, ultra-high temperature rotary kiln, ultra high temperature tunnel kiln to mature, improve the high performance sintered materials and products; nitriding furnace development to become a nitride sintered products possible; over the past decade the rapid development of light energy shuttle to replace the down draft kiln new intermittent kilns, in order to thin, energy saving features that can be used gas, liquid multi-fuel combustion and are using a variety of hot technologies, so that the kiln temperature is less than 5 ℃, automated control, the labor intensity of small, multi-variety low-volume products have better adaptability.

refractory firing device operating temperature from low to high temperature and ultra high temperature development, the development of the working atmosphere to restore the atmosphere from the oxidation of the atmosphere, nitrogen atmosphere, controlled atmosphere, etc., using energy from direct to indirect energy fuel and clean and efficient energy (infrared, ultrasonic, etc.), burning quality of the equipment and capacity has greatly improved, adaptive organization of production and energy continued to strengthen.

3.4 Construction Equipment

mentioned here mainly refers to amorphous materials, construction equipment, construction equipment, unshaped refractory rapid development of construction equipment with the development and implementation of construction mechanization and automation of the. Amorphous materials before construction equipment, mainly by means of the construction industry equipment, construction methods simple, construction is slow, difficult to ensure construction quality, for the people to create a dedicated high-speed mixer, the overall vibration of mold and other construction machinery, and the overall Pouring a big step forward. In recent years it has developed no mold construction techniques, such as spraying machine, wet jet, automatic forward to construction. Construction of the thick body, mechanical hand gun control, electronic eye observation jet surface, artificial intelligence, construction quality control and other advanced technology to maturity.

short, Refractories Refractories technological progress and scientific and technological progress of equipment mutual promotion and common development, in particular professional manufacturer of refractory device appearance, clearly raised the refractory device's performance.

4 technology transfer related disciplines

With modern technology,cheap uggs boots, the mutual penetration between the various disciplines, integration, the overall trend clearly accelerated the development of horizontal relevance, cross-cutting very prominent, even more in-depth modern science and technology revolution, people awareness and change the course of nature in the face of problems with the more comprehensive and wide, difficult, certainly not a single science, a technology can solve must be multidisciplinary, multi-technology Xing Cheng's Technology group to break through. Frontier Science and technology for refractory technology laid the foundation of science and technology, refractory technology advances by other disciplines of technology transfer and infiltration, sometimes with other subjects of the research results, some technical problems need to other subjects the involvement of technical staff, which requires refractory technology must be a combination of professionals and generalists, to multi-skill.

4.1 Application of information technology

the essence of modern technology and information revolution, knowledge and closely linked, and strive to be the extension of the human brain to reduce people's mental and intellectual emancipation of mankind, is a mental revolution. Information technology, including communication, computers and automation, information technology application in refractories made significant achievements. Applied research in information technology so that more advanced means of scientific research, improve research speed and reliability of scientific research. Information technology in the structural design of high-temperature furnace to optimize the furnace structure. Information technology used in the manufacturing process, from mold design, batching, mixing, forming, firing, inspection and packaging, increased automation of production processes, not only the people instead of the production process monitoring, control, regulation and management, and quality and efficiency . Information technology on management of data, statistics, planning, cost accounting, material management, personnel records, sales trading, to achieve office automation, to make offices fast, convenient, accurate and efficient.

4.2 transfer of technology related disciplines

as a refractory material and other materials with similar methods, can refer to, borrowing from other materials research methods, new techniques and new materials. Applications such as high temperature structural ceramics are silicon nitride, zirconium oxide toughened, reinforced fiber and other new materials used in refractories, has developed a series of high-performance refractory products. Fine ceramics, the study of ultrafine powders, nano-technology used in refractory,ugg outlet store, so the production process and the performance improved significantly. Rheological research methods used in amorphous materials, improved castable fluidity, thixotropy, adhesion properties, such as construction, promote the construction process automation. Application of inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry synthesis of new materials, new materials, forming a refractory combination of new agents and combination systems, and improved castable dispersion, plasticity, cohesion, proof of properties. Mathematics and computer integration technology has been used in refractory areas, such as finite element simulation using finite element Refractories in the conditions of use of temperature and stress distribution,ugg australia sale, predict the damage behavior of the process; the fracture mechanics applied to functional refractory The shape and structure design, improved security and reliability of the use of refractory.

5 Management Modernization

technology and management is to promote the social development of the \science and technology can not play its role. Over the past two decades is the development of refractory Science and Technology, the era of great change management concept in business management with a number of new management theories and methods, such as quality management, from total quality management, zero defects, ISO9000, High Performance model to the Six Sigma management; production site management from the 5S, customized management, on-time production to lean production. Enterprise management in management philosophy,australia ugg boots sale, management structure, management methods, management tools continuously optimized reasonable allocation, organization of material resources and human resources, striving to achieve with minimum consumption of material and labor to obtain the maximum technical 经济效益. The same time, management science and behavioral science combine to make management more scientific and humane. In recent years many enterprises to adopt new management concepts, the establishment of corporate culture, the company's \\

management innovation in the enterprise and innovation in the integrated co-ordination, guidance and coordination of the position, it is a traditional management principles, processes and practices change, than any other type of innovation has played a greater role, by integrating enterprise system and market mechanism to integrate the functionality and user needs, enhance core competitiveness, stimulate innovation system, improve operational efficiency, business performance has scaled a new height after another. Quality Management in Business Administration plays an important role, 随着 development of market economy, refractory business right quality management devoted much attention, 普遍 establish a good, quality management Youxiaoyunhang system so that the physical product stably improve the quality Jing Zheng Li continually strengthened.

6 funding sources and environmental protection requirements

human life on earth non-renewable resource reserves are limited, mining and squandered predatory style to use, will lead to \rational use of resources, energy saving technological progress is refractory direction. Such as the rational use of resources of low grade bauxite, the production of all material, synthetic mullite material; through the two-step flotation process increases the purity magnesite; scientific research units have been synthesized Sialon from Coal Gangue materials; development of a series in different contexts as insulation from lightweight materials, played a good energy saving effect. Many research project has been abandoned before the pursuit of high-grade, high purity, high temperature technical route, but with the pursuit of maximizing the effectiveness of resources, low environmental load of technical direction.

refractory industry in China to contribute for the high temperature industry, but also consumes a lot of resources and energy, pollution of the environment, this issue has drawn increasing attention to the government and colleagues. \environmental foundation, the refractory industry gradually into a virtuous circle, healthy development. Promote \chrome basic brick instead of harmful chromium materials, etc.,ugg store, reduce the product in use and the load on the environment beneficial to human health and to achieve the product harmless. These have all contributed to the development of refractories technology to protect and improve the ecological environment persist, adhere to the scientific concept of development.

7 Conclusion

refractories industry as a branch of the community industry, but also in scientific and technological revolution of the era of great change, the scientific and technological progress by comprehensive social factors, political, economic, educational, cultural, scientific and technological progress have produced on Refractories different effects, except refractory industry's development of its own internal external, high-temperature industrial continuously improve the application requirements, refractory equipment of technical Jin Bu Sheng Chan, related disciplines technological transfer and modern management Lilun source Huanbao the requirements section of external factors such as In varying degrees, different aspects of scientific and technological progress to promote the refractory, thus contributing to the refractory industry, large-scale development.

